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IMAGE Take a close look at that glass of water. Is it half empty or half full? What you see could make a difference in your life—and maybe even your health. A pessimist is someone who tends to see the negative side of things. To them, the glass looks half empty. An optimist tends to see the positive side of things. To them, the glass looks half full.

The Power of Optimism

Being optimistic is thought to help people be healthier and live longer. This may be because optimists tend to:

  • Be less passive than pessimists. They are less likely to give up when they have problems.
  • Take care of their health. They believe their actions will make a difference.
  • Have less depression than pessimists
  • Have healthier immune systems

The Bright Side

Psychologists know the link between positive thinking and physical and mental health. It helps to change negative thought patterns into positive ones. However, do not worry if you are not optimistic!

In general, people who focus on the positive tend to reach more goals. They often get better grades, win more athletic contests, and earn more money.

This may be due to the power of expectation. Positive thinking makes you expect good results. Therefore, you are more likely to act and not give up. Negative thinking makes you feel like giving up, so you may not act.

Optimist vs. Non-optimist

Are you an optimist or a non-optimist? It may have to do with how you explain events in your life.

Optimists tend to see setbacks as specific, short-term and changeable. This moves them to take action. Non-optimists tend to look at setbacks as general, lasting, and hopeless.

For example, an optimist skipped her exercise routine for a whole week. She said "I had a lot going on this week. I did not plan my time too well. I will have to do better next week." A pessimist in the same situation might say, "I have no self-discipline. Obviously, I cannot meet my goals. Exercise just is not for me."

A Good Mood

Mood can also affect whether you have more positive or negative thoughts. This is because mood can change how you interpret events. Most people are a blend of optimism and pessimism. It depends on the situation.

Optimistic people tend to lift their moods using:

  • Alternative thinking—When bad things happen, optimists tend to take them less personally. They think of reasons why things might have happened. Then they do something to fix the situation.
  • Downward comparison—Optimists tend to notice that they are in a better situation than many others.
  • Relaxation—Optimists tend to use exercise, yoga, and other ways to relax and lift their moods.
  • Focus on their special talents—There is no use comparing yourself to others. Life is not a competition. Everyone is different and has something special to offer. The key is to focus on what you can do—not what you cannot do.

Optimism: Not Always the Answer

Not everyone agrees that being optimistic is the key to good health. There is more to it than just that. For example, someone who is too optimistic may take many risks. This tends to happen with teenagers. They may focus on fun, but not consider the dangers.

It can be damaging to think optimistically with certain health choices too. For example, some people do not worry about smoking, not using condoms, or not wearing seatbelts. They do not think they will be harmed.

A better method may be to:

  • Be more pessimistic about taking risks that could cause serious harm
  • Be more optimistic about achieving goals—it can help you stay on track

Negative to Positive Thinking

Optimism can be learned. One technique is to write about setbacks. Then practice arguing with your less optimistic thoughts. Do this until you have a more realistic view of what has happened—or what is likely to happen in the future.

It takes focus to change negative thoughts into positive ones. But, with practice, we can all bring more healthy optimism to our lives.


American Counseling Association 

University of Pennsylvania Positive Psychology Center 


Canadian Psychological Association 

Health Canada  


Boehm Julia K, Chen Ying, et al. Is optimism associated with healthier cardiovascular-related behavior? Circulation Research. 2018;122:1119–1134.

Can optimism make a difference in your life? University of Rochester Medical Center website. Available at: Accessed July 1, 2021.

Optimism for teens. Teen's Health—Nemours website. Available at: Accessed July 1, 2021.

Revision Information

  • Reviewer: EBSCO Medical Review Board
  • Review Date: 07/2021
  • Update Date: 07/01/2021