by Black B

image for infant eating article If you have ever observed a full-blown temper tantrum because you have forgotten to bring your child's pacifier, you know how attached kids become to their beloved binkies. Pacifiers may have a thousand names, but their value is the same: they provide comfort to infants and toddlers.

When to Wean

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that pacifier use be limited after 6 months of age to reduce the risk of ear infections. According to the American Dental Association, pacifier use should be actively discouraged after 4 years of age, since it can cause dental problems.

Reasons to Wean

Using a pacifier during the early years of tooth development can cause the upper teeth to be misaligned. It can also cause changes in the roof of the mouth.

There are social problems that come with constant pacifier use. For example, babies whose mouths are constantly occupied with pacifiers may not smile or laugh as freely, or explore playthings and experiment with sounds the way they would if their mouths were free.

Pacifier use has been linked to an increase in ear infections in toddlers. If your child cannot hear well, it is possible that he or she will also have trouble learning to speak well.

How to Wean Gently

Tips for weaning include:

What to Avoid

There are some things you should try to avoid during the weaning process. For example, never use threats, punishment, or shaming messages. These tactics will only cause your child to cling even more tightly to the pacifier.

Do not give the pacifier back after you've taken it away. It can be tempting to give in during the middle of the night, especially if you are feeling deprived of sleep, but this will only confuse your child. Your child will begin to wonder and try to do what needs to be done to get the pacifier back. This may result in screaming, tantrums, or throwing toys.

Quitting Cold Turkey

Some parents find the "cold turkey" method to be most effective.

"Our son cried briefly for 2-3 nights when we took this approach, but by the fourth night, he seemed to forget all about his pacifier," says Susan, a mom from Atlanta. "While the first few nights were challenging, this technique worked best for us."

Finding What Works for Your Child

Remember that what works for one child may not be work for another. Children are unique individuals, with different needs, challenges, and fears. Talk to your child's pediatrician before attempting the weaning process. Most pediatricians have their own philosophy about what is best for your child's personality and specific stage of development.


Healthy Children—American Academy of Pediatrics 

Kids Health—Nemours Foundation 


About Kids Health—The Hospital for Sick Children 

Caring for Kids—Canadian Paediatric Society 


Acute otitis media (AOM). EBSCO DynaMed Plus website. Available at: . Updated May 16, 2017. Accessed August 22, 2017.

Fact or fiction? The top 10 assumptions about early speech and language development. The Hanen Centre website. Available at: Accessed August 22, 2017.

Pacifiers and thumb sucking. Healthy Children—American Academy of Pediatrics website. Available at: Updated November 21, 2015. Accessed August 22, 2017.

Sexton S, Natale R. Risks and benefits of pacifiers. Am Fam Physician. 2009 Apr 15;79(8):681-685.

Thumbsucking and pacifier use. Mouth Healthy—American Dental Association website. Available at: Accessed August 22, 2017.

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