by Scholten A

Many people may describe their behavior as "compulsive. This includes things like high standards of performance, perfectionism, and organization in work and recreational activities. These habits can help people reach success and feel more organized. OCD compulsions are very distressing and interfere with daily function. These are issues you should discuss with your doctor.

Diagnosis of OCD is usually based on the following:

Initial Assessment

Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and past health. You may be asked questions or given a questionnaire to fill out. OCD may be diagnosed if the certain symptoms affect you for at least 1 hour each day and/or causes both emotional distress and disturbed functioning. The doctor will also rule out other possible causes such as medicine, drug abuse, or a other medical problem. Most people are aware that the behaviors are excessive or unreasonable. This is important for the doctor to know.

Evaluation of Other Mental and Neurologic Disorders

Other mental health issues may be linked and worsened by OCD. The doctor may look for signs of other issues such as:


About OCD. International OCD Foundation website. Available at: Accessed January 13, 2020.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). EBSCO DynaMed website. Available at: . Accessed January 13, 2020.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). National Institute of Mental Health website. Available at: Accessed January 13, 2020.

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