

Any emotional response that interrupts normal breathing, such as anger, crying, anxiety, depression, or even laughter, can bring on asthma symptoms. But for most people, stress is the most common emotional trigger.

Your healthcare provider may advise you to use your quick-relief medication in these situations. Or they might prescribe other medications to help your emotions.

Some people find it helpful to practice deep breathing after taking their medication to get their breathing back on track.

But in the long run, the most effective thing you can do is learn how to manage the stress in your life.

One approach is to avoid stressful situations whenever possible. For example, if you have a tendency to take on too many commitments, you can learn to say no.

Another approach is to change the way you think about a situation, so that it no longer seems stressful. For instance, instead of letting traffic upset you, you could try seeing it as an opportunity to listen to relaxing music or an audio book.

Using relaxation techniques to reduce your stress level is another great approach. Deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, biofeedback, or any activity that relaxes your body and mind is beneficial.

Having support is also important. If you’re having a problem, talk it over with a friend or family member. Sometimes it might be helpful to get support from a professional. You can find help on a one-on-one basis, or with a group. Some people find that prayer also helps.

And finally, take care of yourself. Eat right, exercise and get plenty of rest.

By taking steps to manage stress, you’ll be less likely to experience asthma symptoms in difficult situations. And you’ll be healthier overall.

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