

Your hip joint has two bones that fit together like a ball in a socket.

The ball is the top of your femur, or thighbone, called the femoral head.

And, the socket in your pelvis is called the acetabulum.

A total hip replacement is usually done if you have severe pain caused by arthritis, injury, or other diseases that damage your hip.

During the procedure, your hip joint will be replaced with new, man-made parts, called the prosthesis.

The socket part of the prosthesis is a cup, called the acetabular component.

And the ball part is called the femoral component.

To start the procedure, your surgeon will make an incision over your hip.

Once your hip joint is reached, your surgeon will dislocate your hip joint.

Any damaged cartilage or bone in the acetabulum will be removed.

The socket, which may be deformed, will be reshaped to fit the acetabular component.

Then, the acetabular component will be placed in the socket. Special cement or screws may be used to hold it in place.

To prepare the femur, your surgeon will remove the femoral head.

The cut end will be shaped to fit the femoral component.

Then, the femoral component will be inserted into your femur. It may be held in place with cement.

At this point, your surgeon will put the ball of the femoral component into the new socket.

With your new hip joint in place, your surgeon will test its motion and stability.

At the end of the procedure, your incision will be closed with stitches or staples.

To find out more about a total hip replacement, talk to your healthcare provider.