Improving the Quality of Nursing

Tracking Our Performance

At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, the Jean Cunningham Department of Nursing is committed to providing exceptional nursing care. We strive to give you the best care possible and continually look for areas where we can improve. To accomplish that, we regularly track our performance on key quality indicators.

We report our performance metrics to several third-party organizations, allowing you to compare our efforts with those of our peers. In doing so, we hope to help you to make informed decisions about your health care.

Get information about these organizations and our performance.

Continuous Quality Improvement

As we track data, we also develop programs to improve performance. We use a team approach, encouraging input and feedback from our entire nursing staff. Excellent patient care and safety are the focus of all of our quality improvement efforts.

ICU Staffing Data

The ratio of nurses to patients in our ICUs (Intensive Care Units) is an important indicator of quality and safety. We report on these quarterly. Get our most recent data provided.

Take an Active Role in Your Care

To help ensure you receive safe, quality care during your hospital stay or physician visit, we ask you to:

  • Be aware of relevant quality and safety data
  • Speak up if you have questions for your health care providers
  • Voice any concerns freely

Contact Us

If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact us at: