Laparoscopic Urologic Procedures
Robot-Assisted Laparoscopy
The da Vinci Surgical System provides urologic surgeons like Andrea Sorcini, MD, a 3D view of the surgical site. It also improves dexterity by allowing 360-degree rotation of surgical toolsThe Lahey Hospital & Medical Center Institute of Urology is equipped with a da Vinci Surgical System, a computerized robotic platform that enhances the performance of robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery.
As with traditional laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon operates through tiny incisions in the patient’s abdomen. The da Vinci System serves as extensions of the surgeon’s hands, and is designed to filter and translate the surgeon’s hand movements into precise movements of instruments within the surgical site.
Surgical performance is enhanced by the elimination of some of the physical challenges posed by traditional laparoscopic surgery. The da Vinci System can improve the surgeon’s visualization of delicate tissues and nerves by providing him or her with a magnified, 3D view of the surgical site. It also increases the surgeon’s dexterity by allowing for 360-degree rotation of surgical tools.
The da Vinci System is the only surgical robotic system approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for use in performing radical prostatectomy, as well as a range of other procedures.
Laparoscopic Procedures Offered
Surgeons at the Center for Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery are experienced in performing each of the following techniques through both traditional and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery:
- Varicocelectomy: technique to treat the dilated veins in the scrotum, which can cause infertility in the patient.
- Adrenalectomy: removal of the adrenal gland in patients with a benign (i.e., adenoma, pheochromocytoma) or malignant (i.e., cancer, metastases) enlargement of the gland.
- Renal Cyst Marsupialization: technique to treat problematic renal cysts.
- Nephrectomy: kidney removal technique used in cases of non-functional kidney caused by benign diseases.
- Nephropexy: technique to secure the kidney in its proper location in patients suffering from symptoms of an abnormal mobile kidney.
- Live Donor Nephrectomy: technique of harvesting a kidney for transplantation that adequately maintains the health and quality of the kidney.
- Radical Nephrectomy: removal of the whole kidney, including the Gerota’s fascia and regional lymph nodes, in a tumor-bearing kidney.
- Partial Nephrectomy: technique used to remove a renal tumor while preserving the kidney.
- Nephroureterectomy: removal of the kidney, ureter, and bladder cuff in cases of tumors of the renal pelvis and/or ureter.
- Pyeloplasty: technique used to repair or reconstruct the connection between the ureter and the renal pelvis in cases of a blockage of the kidney to improve drainage of the kidney down toward the bladder; it is also sometimes an alternative approach in patients with “horseshoe kidneys” and drainage problems.
- Ureterolithotomy: surgical approach to removing ureteral stones 2 cm and larger.
- Ureterolysis: technique used to mobilize one or both ureters that are obstructed due to retroperitoneal fibrosis, which is usually caused by inflammatory reactions; the procedure includes repositioning of the ureters to prevent a recurrence.
- Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND): the removal of retroperitoneal lymph nodes in patients with testicular cancer in clinical stage I or IIA/B.
- Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection: removal of the regional lymph nodes of the prostate or bladder in patients with high risk prostate or bladder cancer.
- Radical Prostatectomy: removal of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles in patients with prostate cancer; depending on individual circumstances, this procedure can be done with preservation of one or both of the nerves that are responsible for erectile function.
- Radical Cystectomy with Urinary Diversion: removal of the bladder in patients with bladder cancer and the creation of a bladder replacement; this includes the construction of a continent (i.e., neobladder, rectum-sigma-pouch) or incontinent (i.e., ileal loop) urinary diversion.
Meet the Robotic Surgery Team